The paper presents the results of experimental and analytical research on steel-concrete composite beams of floor structures with the application of steel profiled sheet. The parallel and transversal position of the ribs of the profiled sheet in relation to the axis of the steel beam is considered.
A test of the resistance and ductility of the headed stud connectors for parallel and transversal position of profiled sheet was carried out according to a standardized test procedure [4],[5] (EC 4, part 1-1, annex B2).
The main part of the research was carried out with a full-scale testing of two models of a simple beam with a span of 5750 mm, with longitudinal and transversal ribs of the profiled sheet.
For comparison with the experimentally obtained results, an elastic-plastic analysis was applied, carried out with 3D/FM models in the “Abaqus 6.14” software package, using material nonlinearity modeled on the basis of the previously determined behavior of the constituent materials.