A Microsoft Word template is available to help you fit your manuscript to the requirements. We strongly encourage you to download the template and use it to prepare your manuscript. Do not include author names in the name of the file or in the Manuscript.
Download – Manuscript Template
Style and Language
Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering accepts manuscripts written in English language.
Manuscripts with errors in language will be returned to the authors for corrections before sending them for editorial review.
Manuscript Organization
Organize the manuscript as given below, in order:
- Title
- Summary
- 3-5 Keywords
- Manuscript Text
- Acknowledgements
- References
General Guidelines
- Paper text should be prepared in Microsoft Word. Use font Arial, Latin.
- The entire text in the manuscript should be single-spaced, in two justified columns, including references.
- Camera ready paper is in A4 format (210x297mm). Margins are normal, 2.54 cm on the top, bottom, left and right side. Header=1.25cm and Footer=1.25cm.
- All necessary styles that should be used during preparation of the paper are defined in the Manuscript Template.
- Maximum length of the summary’s text is not defined. However, it is necessary that the Main titles with the Key words are completely on the first page.
- The summary should be clearly written and readily comprehensible to the broad readership of Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering. It should provide a concise summary of the objectives, methodology, key results, and major conclusions of the study. It should be written in complete sentences, without subheadings.
- Provide 3 to 5 keywords below the abstract, which will be used for indexing purposes.
- The Introduction should briefly indicate the objectives of the study and provide enough background information to clarify why the study was undertaken and what hypotheses were tested.
- Do not use abbreviations in the title or abstract.
- Figures and tables that are part of the Manuscript should be numbered by the order of their appearance in the paper.
- For writing equations, the standard settings of Word should be used. Equations should be numbered by the order of their appearance in the text.
- Acknowledgements should be used to identify all funding sources. Acknowledgements may also be used to note intellectual, technical or other assistance that does not warrant authorship.
- The references should be listed by alphabetical order in the paper, according to the surname of the first author. In two-or-more-author papers with the same first author, the order is chronological.